;Cal. Slavic Pagan-days ;Slavic Pagan Calendar ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days-p.gif COMMENT=Updated April 28, 2013 \nSlavic Pagan calendar see: Cal. Slavic Pagan ;Procines (January) 01.1. =Days of Volos ;Note=Holiday of the Wolves, worship of Volos (God of pets & of cattle) ;Note={d} 02.1. =Days of Volos ;Note=Holiday of the Wolves, worship of Volos (God of pets & of cattle) 03.1. =Days of Volos ;Note=Holiday of the Wolves, worship of Volos (God of pets & of cattle) 04.1. =Days of Volos ;Note=Holiday of the Wolves, worship of Volos (God of pets & of cattle) 05.1. =Days of Volos ;Note=Holiday of the Wolves, worship of Volos (God of pets & of cattle) 06.1. =Days of Volos ;Note=Holiday of the Wolves, worship of Volos (God of pets & of cattle) 03.1. =Day of Remembrance for Princess Olga ;Note={d} 06.1. =Turisi ;Note=holiday of the bull, Jar-tur, a symbol of the strong power of life & fertility {d} ;Sjechen (February) 03.2. =Day of Remembrance for Oleg the Prophet (Visionary) ;Suhii (March) 01.3. =Navii's Day (Vjunitci) ;Note=1st ancestors' worship day, Day of the Dead, people bring sacrifices & invite their ancestors to attend their feast with them 03.3. =Day of Remembrance for Prince Igor 21.3. =Maslenitsa ;Note=holiday of the Spring Equinox & end of the winter frosts 24.3. =Komoeditsi ;Note=honor the great Bear God (Meveshii Bog) & make sacrifices to the Great God of Honey ;Berezozol (April) 07.4. =Goddess Karna's Day ;Note=2nd ancestors' worship day, Goddess of Crying & Wailing is honored 22.4. =Lela's Holiday ;Traven (May) 01.5. =Rodonitsa ;Note=3rd ancestors' worship day, we bring beer, vodka & food to our dead 20.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 21.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 22.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 23.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 24.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 25.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 26.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 27.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 28.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 29.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests 30.5. =Grudie Rosnoe ;Note=Volhvs (Magicians, Soothsayers, Sorcerors) bring sacrifices to Rod for rain & good productive harvests ;Kresen (June) 04.6. =Jarila's Day ;Note=Jarila, the God of the Sun & fertility 19.6. =Rusalka's Week ;Note=worship the Divinity of Rivers, Rusalka 20.6. =Rusalka's Week ;Note=worship the Divinity of Rivers, Rusalka 21.6. =Rusalka's Week ;Note=worship the Divinity of Rivers, Rusalka 22.6. =Rusalka's Week ;Note=worship the Divinity of Rivers, Rusalka 23.6. =Rusalka's Week ;Note=worship the Divinity of Rivers, Rusalka 24.6. =Rusalka's Week ;Note=worship the Divinity of Rivers, Rusalka 23.6. =Kupala ;Note=holiday of the Summer Solstice ;Cherven (July) 04.7. =Day of Remembrance for Knjaz Sviatoslav the Great 20.7. =Perun's Day ;Note=Perun, Great God of Thunder is celebrated ;Serpen (August) 07.8. =Harvest Holiday 15.8. =Sproshinki ;Note=celebrating the end of haymaking ;Ruen (September) 03.9. =Day of Remembrance for the Pagan People of Novgorod 08.9. =Feast of Honor for Lada & Lela ;Note=work in the fields has come to a close {d} 21.9. =Svarog's Holiday ;Note=Autumnal Equinox, day of the God of Fire & the Sky ;Pasdernik (October) 25.10.+1Fr =Makoshe's Holiday ;Note=honor Mother Earth 26.10. =Day of the Ancients ;Note=4th ancestors' worship day, remembrance for warriors slain in 1380 on Kulikovskoe Field ;Gruden (November) 11.11. =Day of Remembrance for Volhvs ;Studen (December) 03.12. =Day of Remembrance for Bogatir Svatogor 24.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow 25.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow 26.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow 27.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow 28.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow 29.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow 30.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow 31.12. =Koloda ;Note=Winter Solstice time, songs for Lada & praise to Perun who are prisoner under frost & snow ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;On http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ you find a library of additional files for PTBSync ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.irminsul.org/arc/010sz.html